Tianjin MNCHIP Technologies Co.,Ltd
Tianjin MNCHIP Technologies Co.,Ltd

Tianjin MNCHIP Technologies Co.,Ltd


Tianjin MNCHIP Technologies Co.,Ltd


Tianjin MNCHIP Technologies Co.,Ltd
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Tianjin MNCHIP Technologies Co.,Ltd


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Tianjin MNCHIP Technologies Co.,Ltd

MNCHIP is devoted to transforming advanced technologies to accessible innovation and reducing its cost, continuously improving human and animal health. We partner with you to offer fast and convenient medical services with safe, effective, high quality diagnostic products.

MNCHIP is one of the world's leading providers of microfluidics devices in in-vitro diagnostics. Established in 2010, MNCHIP has manufactured on-site blood analyzers for the medical market and the veterinary market.  MNCHIP is striving for perfect tools and services to support better medical practices, enabling our clients to respond to the health needs while operating economical and profitable practices. By 2020, we have provided our products and services for more than 60 countries and set up 2 more branches at Suzhou, China and Darmstadt, Germany. 

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  • phone : view details
  • address : 2102.No.19 Xihanhuan Road West, TEDA,Tianjin,P.R.China
  • postcode : 300457
  • website : www.mnchip.com
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