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Plans for the MEDICA 2022 and COMPAMED 2022 are picking up speed
Medical technology industry needs strong platforms while current challenges continue

Plans for the globally leading medical trade fair MEDICA 2022 (14 - 17 November) in Düsseldorf, as well as for COMPAMED 2022, the number one specialised trade fair for the suppliers of the medical technology industry, have entered the next stage. The current number of registrations by exhibitors indicates that participation will surpass the previous year. (MEDICA 2021: 3033 participants, COMPAMED 2021: 490). Bookings are still available for all sections of topics. Small and mid-sized companies from Germany may apply for a grant towards their individually organised single exhibition booths at the MEDICA or COMPAMED via the support programme of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (more information available online at:, Sections: "Economics" and "Opening of Foreign Markets").
The medical technology industry right now needs the MEDICA and COMPAMED as strong platforms for international exchange, joint ventures and business. Because the market is in flux. In certain areas, the pandemic is causing increases in demand, for example in point-of-care diagnostics. Apart from that, companies are seeing an increasing necessity to work jointly with their partners in supply and manufacturing to ensure delivery capacity during a time where prices increase dramatically and construction parts are becoming sparse.", says Christian Grosser, Director Health & Medical Technologies at Messe Düsseldorf, important reasons to participate in both leading business events. "International networking also helps to open new markets. You can broaden the base for your own business, while alleviating the effects of obstacles, insecurities or even sanctions that may apply to certain national markets.", Christian Grosser adds.
New business entrepreneurs gain easy access
When it comes to reacting to challenges and seizing new opportunities that arise, start-ups from all countries have always been exceptionally quick to action. For years, they have been present in large numbers at the MEDICA and COMPAMED, both with their own booths and with joint booths. "Especially for first-time exhibitors, our MEDICA START-UP PARK offers an attractive opportunity for participation – optionally available with a speaking slot at the always well-attended MEDICA CONNECTED HEALTHCARE FORUM", Dr Claudio Bucchi points out, who as a senior project manager and trend scout at Messe Düsseldorf has already assisted many start-ups with their first time at MEDICA.
One of them is the young company dermanostic, which offers remote medical consultations with doctors for diseases of the skin through an app and by using patient-provided photographs of the affected areas. (Click here for a MEDICA video report on the start-up dermanostic.) Dr Patrick Lang, the founder of dermanostic, already participated in the MEDICA START-UP PARK in 2021, and is excited to look forward: "We were very pleased with the MEDICA START-UP PARK. We not only had the opportunity to exchange ideas with other start-ups, we also gained many international contacts, and received direct feedback from a professional audience that tried out our app. We are excited to find out what will develop from this until the MEDICA 2022."
Other than sharing a booth, this year start-ups and scale-ups (companies entering their next level of development) will again offer interesting insights into their current projects through a variety of pitch and presentation formats. Examples are the MEDICA DISRUPT sessions, the 11th MEDICA START-UP COMPETITION, or the 14th Healthcare Innovation World Cup, all highlights of the programme at the MEDICA CONNECTED HEALTHCARE FORUM. All in all, at least 120 speakers and more than 100 start-ups will be part of the action when it comes to digital innovations for the future's mobile, connective health care.
Formats that fit together: trade fair, forums and conferences
Other forums are integrated into the individual sections of trade fair topics, and frame discussion content within the larger context of new products and best practices within day-to-day medical care. Aside from the MEDICA CONNECTED HEALTHCARE FORUM, special mention goes to the MEDICAL HEALTH IT FORUM, the MEDICA TECH FORUM, the MEDICA LABMED FORUM and the MEDICA ECON FORUM, initiated by Messe Düsseldorf in cooperation with German health insurance company Techniker Krankenkasse (TK).
Focal points of the MEDICA trade fair include: Lab technology and diagnostics, medical technology and medical electronics (imaging and diagnostic/ medical equipment and devices), supplies and consumables, physiotherapy and orthopaedic technology, as well as IT systems and IT solutions.
MEDICA’s conference programme also ensures a content-related connection to the trending topics on the market and at the trade fair. An example is the 45th German Hospital Day, a leading event for the top management of German hospitals, which this year will be held face-to-face again. Two other (English language) conferences address a mainly international, professional audience: the Conference on Disaster and Military Medicine DiMiMED, and the MEDICA MEDICINE + SPORTS CONFERENCE for the international professional sports medicine and sports science scene.
Don't miss out on trend updates for suppliers
If you want to stay on top of the trends that affect the preliminary development phases or manufacturing steps in medical technology, do not forget to note down the COMPAMED in your calendar. This is where supplier companies present a cornucopia of high-tech and service solutions. Components, microsystem technology, material processing and coating, additive manufacturing/ 3D printing, manufacturing engineering and machines as well as packaging and services are focal points that are reflected in the programmes of both integrated forums: Topics for the COMPAMED HIGH-TECH FORUM are chosen by the IVAM Microtechnology Network, those for the COMPAMED SUPPLIERS FORUM by the professional publication Devicemed.
There continues to be an unrelenting demand for micro components and procedures within the context of digitalisation and patient-centred diagnostics as they are the key to ultra-precise manufacturing and the foundation for light-weight, portable and interconnected devices. "The trend is clearly toward miniaturisation and comprehensive solutions," confirms Ralf Friedrich, sales engineer at Camozzi Automation GmbH. Camozzi has been participating in the COMPAMED since 2013, and uses the event as a platform for international contacts. The company is active world-wide, and specialises in the development and production of components, systems and technologies within drive and fluid technologies, which among other things are used in medical laboratory devices.
This globally unique combination means that both MEDICA 2022 and COMPAMED 2022 will again reflect the entire medical technology value and process chains and present a comprehensive range of medical products, devices and instruments. In 2021, both events had a total of 46,000 professional visitors (73 percent international).
The industry portals and offer an additional wealth of digital services for preparing and planning an effective on-site presence (e.g. interactive floor plans), for networking with companies, as well as for staying on top of current industry trends and novelties in the world of medical technology and its dynamic development.
Web links:

Plans for the globally leading medical trade fair MEDICA 2022 (14 - 17 November) in Düsseldorf, as well as for COMPAMED 2022, the number one specialised trade fair for the suppliers of the medical technology industry, have entered the next stage. The current number of registrations by exhibitors indicates that participation will surpass the previous year. (MEDICA 2021: 3033 participants, COMPAMED 2021: 490). Bookings are still available for all sections of topics. Small and mid-sized companies from Germany may apply for a grant towards their individually organised single exhibition booths at the MEDICA or COMPAMED via the support programme of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (more information available online at:, Sections: "Economics" and "Opening of Foreign Markets").
The medical technology industry right now needs the MEDICA and COMPAMED as strong platforms for international exchange, joint ventures and business. Because the market is in flux. In certain areas, the pandemic is causing increases in demand, for example in point-of-care diagnostics. Apart from that, companies are seeing an increasing necessity to work jointly with their partners in supply and manufacturing to ensure delivery capacity during a time where prices increase dramatically and construction parts are becoming sparse.", says Christian Grosser, Director Health & Medical Technologies at Messe Düsseldorf, important reasons to participate in both leading business events. "International networking also helps to open new markets. You can broaden the base for your own business, while alleviating the effects of obstacles, insecurities or even sanctions that may apply to certain national markets.", Christian Grosser adds.
New business entrepreneurs gain easy access
When it comes to reacting to challenges and seizing new opportunities that arise, start-ups from all countries have always been exceptionally quick to action. For years, they have been present in large numbers at the MEDICA and COMPAMED, both with their own booths and with joint booths. "Especially for first-time exhibitors, our MEDICA START-UP PARK offers an attractive opportunity for participation – optionally available with a speaking slot at the always well-attended MEDICA CONNECTED HEALTHCARE FORUM", Dr Claudio Bucchi points out, who as a senior project manager and trend scout at Messe Düsseldorf has already assisted many start-ups with their first time at MEDICA.
One of them is the young company dermanostic, which offers remote medical consultations with doctors for diseases of the skin through an app and by using patient-provided photographs of the affected areas. (Click here for a MEDICA video report on the start-up dermanostic.) Dr Patrick Lang, the founder of dermanostic, already participated in the MEDICA START-UP PARK in 2021, and is excited to look forward: "We were very pleased with the MEDICA START-UP PARK. We not only had the opportunity to exchange ideas with other start-ups, we also gained many international contacts, and received direct feedback from a professional audience that tried out our app. We are excited to find out what will develop from this until the MEDICA 2022."
Other than sharing a booth, this year start-ups and scale-ups (companies entering their next level of development) will again offer interesting insights into their current projects through a variety of pitch and presentation formats. Examples are the MEDICA DISRUPT sessions, the 11th MEDICA START-UP COMPETITION, or the 14th Healthcare Innovation World Cup, all highlights of the programme at the MEDICA CONNECTED HEALTHCARE FORUM. All in all, at least 120 speakers and more than 100 start-ups will be part of the action when it comes to digital innovations for the future's mobile, connective health care.
Formats that fit together: trade fair, forums and conferences
Other forums are integrated into the individual sections of trade fair topics, and frame discussion content within the larger context of new products and best practices within day-to-day medical care. Aside from the MEDICA CONNECTED HEALTHCARE FORUM, special mention goes to the MEDICAL HEALTH IT FORUM, the MEDICA TECH FORUM, the MEDICA LABMED FORUM and the MEDICA ECON FORUM, initiated by Messe Düsseldorf in cooperation with German health insurance company Techniker Krankenkasse (TK).
Focal points of the MEDICA trade fair include: Lab technology and diagnostics, medical technology and medical electronics (imaging and diagnostic/ medical equipment and devices), supplies and consumables, physiotherapy and orthopaedic technology, as well as IT systems and IT solutions.
MEDICA’s conference programme also ensures a content-related connection to the trending topics on the market and at the trade fair. An example is the 45th German Hospital Day, a leading event for the top management of German hospitals, which this year will be held face-to-face again. Two other (English language) conferences address a mainly international, professional audience: the Conference on Disaster and Military Medicine DiMiMED, and the MEDICA MEDICINE + SPORTS CONFERENCE for the international professional sports medicine and sports science scene.
Don't miss out on trend updates for suppliers
If you want to stay on top of the trends that affect the preliminary development phases or manufacturing steps in medical technology, do not forget to note down the COMPAMED in your calendar. This is where supplier companies present a cornucopia of high-tech and service solutions. Components, microsystem technology, material processing and coating, additive manufacturing/ 3D printing, manufacturing engineering and machines as well as packaging and services are focal points that are reflected in the programmes of both integrated forums: Topics for the COMPAMED HIGH-TECH FORUM are chosen by the IVAM Microtechnology Network, those for the COMPAMED SUPPLIERS FORUM by the professional publication Devicemed.
There continues to be an unrelenting demand for micro components and procedures within the context of digitalisation and patient-centred diagnostics as they are the key to ultra-precise manufacturing and the foundation for light-weight, portable and interconnected devices. "The trend is clearly toward miniaturisation and comprehensive solutions," confirms Ralf Friedrich, sales engineer at Camozzi Automation GmbH. Camozzi has been participating in the COMPAMED since 2013, and uses the event as a platform for international contacts. The company is active world-wide, and specialises in the development and production of components, systems and technologies within drive and fluid technologies, which among other things are used in medical laboratory devices.
This globally unique combination means that both MEDICA 2022 and COMPAMED 2022 will again reflect the entire medical technology value and process chains and present a comprehensive range of medical products, devices and instruments. In 2021, both events had a total of 46,000 professional visitors (73 percent international).
The industry portals and offer an additional wealth of digital services for preparing and planning an effective on-site presence (e.g. interactive floor plans), for networking with companies, as well as for staying on top of current industry trends and novelties in the world of medical technology and its dynamic development.
Web links:
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