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TIHE 2021: A healthy population is the top priority!
The international exhibition company Iteca Exhibitions continues the spring season with the 25th Anniversary International Exhibition "Healthcare – TIHE 2021", which is held from June 9 to 11 on the territory of the "Uzexpocentre" National Exhibition Complex in the central pavilion.

Traditionally, the main focus of the exhibition is a healthy population, and the protection of public health has been and will always be one of the main priorities of Uzbekistan. Demographic indicators, national health indicators, healthcare financing, medical reforms and the prospects of this industry are constantly in the focus of the President and the Government.
More and more attention is being paid to the health sector, attracting foreign investors to invest in this part of the public sector. Health spending continues to grow faster than economic growth, driven by growing demand for health services and the government's willingness to invest in new facilities and make up for previous shortfalls. Over the past three years, more than 160 regulatory documents have been adopted to reform the healthcare system. As a result, important changes are taking place in all parts of the healthcare system. Starting from primary medical care and ending with specialised centres, new technologies are being introduced everywhere, and the achievements of world science and medicine are widely used. These changes are based primarily on the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On comprehensive measures to radically improve the healthcare system of the Republic of Uzbekistan". This decree also approved the Concept of Development of the healthcare system of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2019-2025. The continuation of consistent work on the reform of the healthcare system is one of the strategic tasks of today.
The rate of demand for pharmaceutical products in Uzbekistan is growing every year, more than 80% of which is imported. The main importing countries are Russia, China, India and Ukraine. In addition, the government of Uzbekistan is actively engaging foreign partners to create a joint pharmaceutical production and medical equipment.
Healthcare has become one of the largest sectors in Uzbekistan in terms of income and employment. The industry is growing at a tremendous pace thanks to increased coverage, services, and increased spending by both public and private players.
Today, healthcare is a cutting-edge industry around the world. The coronavirus pandemic now facing the global community has brought unprecedented attention to the current state of medicine. And holding exhibitions dedicated to healthcare today is more important than ever.
TIHE, the first international exhibition of independent Uzbekistan, celebrates its 25th anniversary this year and will be the first professional international industry exhibition after a long pause related to the pandemic.
Over the years, the exhibition has become the largest showcase of the achievements of scientific and practical medicine, which is traditionally attended by experts and world leaders of the industry, presenting their latest technologies and innovations. For many years, TIHE has served as a business platform for establishing communication links between manufacturers and practitioners, thereby contributing to improving the efficiency of the healthcare system in Uzbekistan.

TIHE 2021 is represented by five main thematic sections: medical machinery and equipment; laboratory; equipment for pharmaceutical production; finished medicines and dentistry.
This year, more than 100 companies and brands from the following countries have confirmed their participation in the exhibition: the Republic of Belarus, Italy, Kazakhstan, China, the Republic of Korea, Russia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine and the Czech Republic, which will represent leading manufacturers and distributors of medical machinery and equipment, medical supplies, medical products, medication, as well as equipment and technologies for the pharmaceutical industry and many more.
The technologies presented at the exhibition meet the latest challenges faced by the world's population over the past year and a half. For example, the silver sponsor of the exhibition – the SNIBE company, will present high-tech devices and reagents in-vitro to specialists. The visitor will also be able to get acquainted with a number of artificial lung ventilation devices, equipment for clinical diagnostics, kits for ELISA, ICLA, PCR, as well as rapid tests for detecting various diseases.
For the first time, manufacturers of the Moscow Oblast take part in the exhibition with a collective stand. Their new products will be presented at the stand by the companies Solovyova T. V. SP, "Green Planet" LLC, "INTERSAN-plus" LLC, "Med TeKo" LLC.
It is not the first year that visitors to the exhibition are introduced to their products by companies represented at the collective stand of the Penza Oblast, including: CJSC NPP "MedInzh"; "Parafarm" Company; "BIOKOR" LLC; "Pharmaceutical Factory" LLC.
Among the debutants and regular participants of the exhibition are such companies as: Avikon Tex (Uzbekistan), Intermed Innovation (Uzbekistan), Madad Co. (Uzbekistan), Medcomplex (Russia), Orient Med Elita (Uzbekistan), S.A. Med Holding (Uzbekistan), Biolit (Russia), Medical Technologies (Russia), Promet (Russia), Foton Medical Quality (Uzbekistan), Medindustriya Service (Belarus), Premium Technics (Uzbekistan), Assomedica (Belarus), BTL Medical Technologies ( Uzbekistan), Endo-Systems (Uzbekistan), Globalmed (Uzbekistan), Vertex (Russia), Meditech Incorporated (Uzbekistan), Delta Max Group (Uzbekistan), EQUIMED (Uzbekistan), IMCoPharma as (Czech Republic), Korvita (Uzbekistan), Spine Med Systems (Uzbekistan), Unex Tashkent (Uzbekistan), Globtrans-Bat (Uzbekistan), Uralmed (Russia), Sun Smile (Russia) and others.
One of the brightest debutants of the exhibition is the Medindustriya Servis company (Belarus), an enterprise that occupies one of the leading places among the world manufacturers of equipment and furniture for medical purposes, for the first time will present at the exhibition a line of operating tables, medical chairs and other equipment.
The permanent participant of the exhibition – the GAZ company (Russia), will again demonstrate the range of modern ambulances. The leading Russian manufacturer of commercial vehicles GAZ Group and the Government of the Tashkent Region signed a memorandum of cooperation. The intentions of the parties include the study of organising the production of GAZ vehicles on the territory of the Tashkent Region and the renewal of the region's parks with the company's equipment.
In general, foreign exhibitors account for 51% of the total number of exhibitors. Along with foreign manufacturers, domestic companies take part in the exhibition, whose share in the exposition is 49%, including: distributors and manufacturers of medical equipment - partners of the world's largest manufacturers.
Scientific and practical programme

The exhibition is not only an ideal platform for establishing communication links between manufacturers and practitioners, but also, thanks to its rich scientific programme, contributes to the improvement of the qualifications of medical specialists in Uzbekistan.
Within the framework of the scientific and practical program on the topic “The introduction of advanced technologies in the health care of Uzbekistan. Digital Medicine”, a number of seminars and symposia are planned, which will take place during all three days of the exhibition. The seminars will cover key topics from leading market players, including Philips, CIT "DAMU", GAZ, Herbalife Nutrition and others.
Sponsor of the session "DAMUMED cloud-based medical ecosystem. Challenge of 2021: IT tools to combat COVID-19." – the CIT "DAMU" company.
During three days of work, the TIHE exhibition will become a meeting place for partners, doctors, and will also help build new channels of cooperation, create an excellent opportunity for evaluating the market, concluding promising contracts and investing. practitioners, dentists and technicians, pharmacists, paramedics and emergency physicians, laboratory assistants and other medical workers from all over the Republic will have the opportunity to personally get acquainted with the products of foreign and local companies, and evaluate the proposed novelties. The new knowledge gained at the seminars and the exchange of experience will contribute to improving the quality of qualified medical care and the development of medicine in the country.
The exhibition is officially supported by:
· Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Uzbekistan
· Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan
· National Chamber of Innovative Healthcare of the Republic of Uzbekistan
· Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Traditionally, the main focus of the exhibition is a healthy population, and the protection of public health has been and will always be one of the main priorities of Uzbekistan. Demographic indicators, national health indicators, healthcare financing, medical reforms and the prospects of this industry are constantly in the focus of the President and the Government.
More and more attention is being paid to the health sector, attracting foreign investors to invest in this part of the public sector. Health spending continues to grow faster than economic growth, driven by growing demand for health services and the government's willingness to invest in new facilities and make up for previous shortfalls. Over the past three years, more than 160 regulatory documents have been adopted to reform the healthcare system. As a result, important changes are taking place in all parts of the healthcare system. Starting from primary medical care and ending with specialised centres, new technologies are being introduced everywhere, and the achievements of world science and medicine are widely used. These changes are based primarily on the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On comprehensive measures to radically improve the healthcare system of the Republic of Uzbekistan". This decree also approved the Concept of Development of the healthcare system of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2019-2025. The continuation of consistent work on the reform of the healthcare system is one of the strategic tasks of today.
The rate of demand for pharmaceutical products in Uzbekistan is growing every year, more than 80% of which is imported. The main importing countries are Russia, China, India and Ukraine. In addition, the government of Uzbekistan is actively engaging foreign partners to create a joint pharmaceutical production and medical equipment.
Healthcare has become one of the largest sectors in Uzbekistan in terms of income and employment. The industry is growing at a tremendous pace thanks to increased coverage, services, and increased spending by both public and private players.
Today, healthcare is a cutting-edge industry around the world. The coronavirus pandemic now facing the global community has brought unprecedented attention to the current state of medicine. And holding exhibitions dedicated to healthcare today is more important than ever.
TIHE, the first international exhibition of independent Uzbekistan, celebrates its 25th anniversary this year and will be the first professional international industry exhibition after a long pause related to the pandemic.
Over the years, the exhibition has become the largest showcase of the achievements of scientific and practical medicine, which is traditionally attended by experts and world leaders of the industry, presenting their latest technologies and innovations. For many years, TIHE has served as a business platform for establishing communication links between manufacturers and practitioners, thereby contributing to improving the efficiency of the healthcare system in Uzbekistan.

TIHE 2021 is represented by five main thematic sections: medical machinery and equipment; laboratory; equipment for pharmaceutical production; finished medicines and dentistry.
This year, more than 100 companies and brands from the following countries have confirmed their participation in the exhibition: the Republic of Belarus, Italy, Kazakhstan, China, the Republic of Korea, Russia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine and the Czech Republic, which will represent leading manufacturers and distributors of medical machinery and equipment, medical supplies, medical products, medication, as well as equipment and technologies for the pharmaceutical industry and many more.
The technologies presented at the exhibition meet the latest challenges faced by the world's population over the past year and a half. For example, the silver sponsor of the exhibition – the SNIBE company, will present high-tech devices and reagents in-vitro to specialists. The visitor will also be able to get acquainted with a number of artificial lung ventilation devices, equipment for clinical diagnostics, kits for ELISA, ICLA, PCR, as well as rapid tests for detecting various diseases.
For the first time, manufacturers of the Moscow Oblast take part in the exhibition with a collective stand. Their new products will be presented at the stand by the companies Solovyova T. V. SP, "Green Planet" LLC, "INTERSAN-plus" LLC, "Med TeKo" LLC.
It is not the first year that visitors to the exhibition are introduced to their products by companies represented at the collective stand of the Penza Oblast, including: CJSC NPP "MedInzh"; "Parafarm" Company; "BIOKOR" LLC; "Pharmaceutical Factory" LLC.
Among the debutants and regular participants of the exhibition are such companies as: Avikon Tex (Uzbekistan), Intermed Innovation (Uzbekistan), Madad Co. (Uzbekistan), Medcomplex (Russia), Orient Med Elita (Uzbekistan), S.A. Med Holding (Uzbekistan), Biolit (Russia), Medical Technologies (Russia), Promet (Russia), Foton Medical Quality (Uzbekistan), Medindustriya Service (Belarus), Premium Technics (Uzbekistan), Assomedica (Belarus), BTL Medical Technologies ( Uzbekistan), Endo-Systems (Uzbekistan), Globalmed (Uzbekistan), Vertex (Russia), Meditech Incorporated (Uzbekistan), Delta Max Group (Uzbekistan), EQUIMED (Uzbekistan), IMCoPharma as (Czech Republic), Korvita (Uzbekistan), Spine Med Systems (Uzbekistan), Unex Tashkent (Uzbekistan), Globtrans-Bat (Uzbekistan), Uralmed (Russia), Sun Smile (Russia) and others.
One of the brightest debutants of the exhibition is the Medindustriya Servis company (Belarus), an enterprise that occupies one of the leading places among the world manufacturers of equipment and furniture for medical purposes, for the first time will present at the exhibition a line of operating tables, medical chairs and other equipment.
The permanent participant of the exhibition – the GAZ company (Russia), will again demonstrate the range of modern ambulances. The leading Russian manufacturer of commercial vehicles GAZ Group and the Government of the Tashkent Region signed a memorandum of cooperation. The intentions of the parties include the study of organising the production of GAZ vehicles on the territory of the Tashkent Region and the renewal of the region's parks with the company's equipment.
In general, foreign exhibitors account for 51% of the total number of exhibitors. Along with foreign manufacturers, domestic companies take part in the exhibition, whose share in the exposition is 49%, including: distributors and manufacturers of medical equipment - partners of the world's largest manufacturers.
Scientific and practical programme

The exhibition is not only an ideal platform for establishing communication links between manufacturers and practitioners, but also, thanks to its rich scientific programme, contributes to the improvement of the qualifications of medical specialists in Uzbekistan.
Within the framework of the scientific and practical program on the topic “The introduction of advanced technologies in the health care of Uzbekistan. Digital Medicine”, a number of seminars and symposia are planned, which will take place during all three days of the exhibition. The seminars will cover key topics from leading market players, including Philips, CIT "DAMU", GAZ, Herbalife Nutrition and others.
Sponsor of the session "DAMUMED cloud-based medical ecosystem. Challenge of 2021: IT tools to combat COVID-19." – the CIT "DAMU" company.
During three days of work, the TIHE exhibition will become a meeting place for partners, doctors, and will also help build new channels of cooperation, create an excellent opportunity for evaluating the market, concluding promising contracts and investing. practitioners, dentists and technicians, pharmacists, paramedics and emergency physicians, laboratory assistants and other medical workers from all over the Republic will have the opportunity to personally get acquainted with the products of foreign and local companies, and evaluate the proposed novelties. The new knowledge gained at the seminars and the exchange of experience will contribute to improving the quality of qualified medical care and the development of medicine in the country.
The exhibition is officially supported by:
· Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Uzbekistan
· Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan
· National Chamber of Innovative Healthcare of the Republic of Uzbekistan
· Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan
(Iteca Exhibitions)
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