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Shanghai establishes first outdoor station for COVID-19 testing
Shanghai established the city’s first outdoor station to test for COVID-19 at Shanghai East Hospital affiliated to Tongji University on July 15, as demand for testing grows, news portal ThePaper reported.
The first outdoor station to test for COVID-19 at Shanghai East Hospital affiliated to Tongji University in Shanghai is established on July 15, 2020. Photo courtesy of Shanghai East Hospital affiliated to Tongji University
The station consists of two cabins: one for nucleic acid sampling and the other for taking blood samples. It is connected to four tents where patients can wait for their turn to be tested.
The cabin for nucleic acid sampling follows a non-contact principle in order to avoid cross-infection between patients and medics. The cabin in which doctors take blood samples from patients also features non-contact medical services.
A medic conducts a nucleic acid test on a resident. Photo courtesy of Shanghai East Hospital affiliated to Tongji University
Medics feel more comfortable working inside the cabins, and no longer have to suffer from oxygen deficit and heatstroke after wearing protective clothing for long periods in high temperatures.
Photo shows the cabin where medics take blood samples from patients. Photo courtesy of Shanghai East Hospital affiliated to Tongji University
(People's Daily)